Enabling WC Search for Extended Sites for Developer Environment (Derby Database): Step 1: Ensure that the site is configured to support the Management Center marketing features Follow the steps out-lined in the below link- http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wchelp/v7r0m0/topic/com.ibm.commerce.management-center.doc/tasks/tsbenablemktnewinstall.htm Step 2: Install Feature Pack 2 or higher Step 3: Enable Starter Stores Enhancements Important Note: If you are enabling starter store enhancements in the WebSphere Commerce development environment, the default configuration includes a Derby database with all base, non feature pack, starter stores, including the Madisons starter store, prepublished. If you require a feature pack version of a starter store, publish the feature pack version using a different store name. You can create a new database without the pre-published stores or restore to a clean bootstrap Derby database then publish the feature pack versio...