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How to Enable cross-site request forgery protection in WCS

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is a type of malicious attack that tricks a user into sending unintended requests. For example, an attacker can trick an authenticated user into clicking a link to update their personal information. Web Sphere Commerce accepts this request as valid, as proper session cookies exist as part of the request. When cross-site request forgery protection is enabled, a designated URL parameter that is called authToken is required to be included as part of the request. The parameter value is generated by WebSphere Commerce and passed to the page in a request attribute with the same name. The authToken parameter is available only on SSL protected pages because this token must not be apparent. Only sensitive URLs that use SSL should require this protection. Identify the action to protect. For example, UserRegistrationAdd. Open the Struts configuration file where the action is defined. Add a property to the action. Name the property, csrfProtect...


ECApplicationException : This exception is thrown if the error is related to user input and will always fail. For example, when a user enters an invalid parameter, an ECApplicationException is thrown. When this exception is thrown, the solution controller does not retry the command, even if it is specified as a retriable command. ECSystemException: This exception is thrown if a runtime exception or a Websphere Commerce configuration error is detected. Examples of this type of exception include create exceptions, remote exceptions, and other EJB exceptions. When this type of exception is thrown, the solution controller retries the command if the command is retriable and the exception was caused by either a database deadlock or database rollback. Both of the exception types are classes that extend from the ECException class, which is found in the package. In order to throw one of these exceptions, the following information must be specified...

Difference between Accelerator and Management Centre

Management Centre vs Commerce Accelerator 1.For promotions and espot configurations, which is a better approach - management center or accelerator? Considering the management center's design, its complex structure takes more time in implementing new modifications as compared to accelerator modifications. 2.We can view the status what change's we did in Management Center, If we did any wrong it shows an error, but in Accelerator the error is not shown. 3.Management center provides a rich UI with features like drag and drop. There is a possibility that in some future releases Commerce Accelerator may be removed. With current release it is not possible as it is tightly coupled with the framework. 4.For an end user perspective Management Center will be the preferred tool. Being a flash based tool it is slow but very user friendly. 5.Management Center, It's sometimes slow but it provides more usability such as drag and drop,etc which makes it a favorite tool for the ...

Controller Command Life Cycle

Description about Controller Command. The abstract class and interface are both found in the package. A new controller command should extend the abstract controller command class ( When writing a new controller command, you should override the following methods from the abstract class: isGeneric(): In the standard WebSphere Commerce implementation there are multiple types of users. These include generic, guest, and registered users. Within the grouping of registered users there are customers and administrators. The generic user has a common user ID that is used across the entire system. This common user ID supports general browsing on the site in a manner that minimizes system resource usage. It is more efficient to use this common user ID for general browsing, since the Web controller does not need to retrieve a user object for commands that can be invoked by the generic user. The isGeneric ...

Dyna Cache

Dynacache service is an in-memory cache system that has disk offload capacity. What is CacheSpec.xml? The objects to be cached are specified in cachespec.xml. Location of cachespec in toolkit\Stores\WebContent\WEB-INF On server: \Stores.war\WEB-INF\ What can be cached? Servlet\JSP's and commands that extend from CacheableCommand interface can be cached using DynaCache. What is DynaCache Monitor? This is an application provided by IBM for dynacache statistics, it can be installed on toolkit as well as server. Example from cachespec for JSP\Servlet caching entries: Servlet: .e.g. storecatalogdisplay: <cache-id> <component id="" type="pathinfo"> <required>true</required> <value>/StoreCatalogDisplay</value> </component> <component id="storeId" type="parameter"> <value>10151</value> <required>true</required> </component> <compone...

Enable WC Search

Enabling WC Search for Extended Sites for Developer Environment (Derby Database): Step 1: Ensure that the site is configured to support the Management Center marketing features Follow the steps out-lined in the below link- Step 2: Install Feature Pack 2 or higher Step 3: Enable Starter Stores Enhancements Important Note: If you are enabling starter store enhancements in the WebSphere Commerce development environment, the default configuration includes a Derby database with all base, non feature pack, starter stores, including the Madisons starter store, prepublished. If you require a feature pack version of a starter store, publish the feature pack version using a different store name. You can create a new database without the pre-published stores or restore to a clean bootstrap Derby database then publish the feature pack versio...

Difference between WCS 6 & WCS 7

Order trash can feature disabled by default : In WebSphere Commerce Version 7, the order trash can feature is disabled by default. In WebSphere Commerce Version 6, the default owner for deleted orders was -1002. In Version 7, the default owner for deleted orders is now -1006 (a guest user). Changed functionality” Changed functionality typically involves changes in default values or an outcome different from what would have occurred in previous releases. For example, a default parameter might use one value in WebSphere Commerce Version 6 and a different value in WebSphere Commerce Version 7. Madisons starter store replaces the consumer direct sample store : The Madisons starter store is the new store that replaces the consumer direct sample store in the previous release. The Madisons starter store uses Rich Internet Application (RIA) technologies such as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) and Dojo widgets to provide customers with an interactive and rich shopping e...

What is IBM WebSphere Commerce?

IBM WebSphere Commerce is a e-commerce framework provided by IBM, it includes marketing, sales, customer and other functionality. WebSphere Commerce is a customizable, scalable and high availability solution built on the java- javaEE platform using open standards, such as XML, and Web services. IBM WebSphere Commerce provides an e-commerce platform that can deliver seamless and consistent omni-channel shopping experiences, including mobile, social and in-store. WebSphere Commerce helps engage your customers with immersive brand experiences through contextually relevant content, marketing and promotions, while extending your brand across customer touch points. There are 3 types of editions in WCS      1 Express.      2 Professional.      3 Enterprise. Express: A customer interaction platform designed for fast, easy implementation to quickly create your online presence. Professional: Powerful customer interaction platform to he...

Load Access Control Policies using SQL's

There is another way to load the acpload script. The below set of SQL's to load Access control policy for new commands and Views. Here is an example from info center to create a new custom View Sample Custom View Policy:   View Policy XML to be loaded using acpload:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE Policies SYSTEM "../dtd/accesscontrolpolicies.dtd"> <Policies> <Action Name="MyNewView"    CommandName="MyNewView"> </Action> <ActionGroup Name="AllSiteUsersViews"             OwnerID="RootOrganization">             <ActionGroupAction Name="MyNewView"/> </ActionGroup> </Policies> You will then copy this xml in ...

Change the development database type using the setdbtype command

By using setdbtype, we can switch the development database, To switch we have to follow the below steps Stop the WebSphere Commerce Test Server. Stop the WebSphere Commerce development database. Run the below command based on the database DB2: setdbtype db2 DB2_HOME dbName dbAdminID dbAdminPassword dbUserIDdbUserPassword [dbHost dbServerPort dbNode] [createdb] Oracle : setdbtype oracle ORACLE_HOME dbName dbAdminID dbAdminPassword dbUserIDdbUserPassword [dbHost dbServerPort] [createdb] Derby/Cloudscape: setdbtype cloudscape [createdb] Where: DB2_HOME The root directory of DB2. For example, C:\IBM\SQLLIB ORACLE_HOME The root directory of the Oracle DBMS. For example, C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\client_1 dbName The name of the database. For example, mall. dbAdminID The database administrator's ID. For example, db2admin or oracle. dbAdminPassword The associated password for dbAdminID dbUserID The database user ID that connects to the database. ...

Reset WCS Admin Password

We can reset by using the below  query's . Cloudscape/DB2  : update userreg set logonpassword = '74434f61354f51593862415655304d5 268424e54723865685653356151374a2b353163506c4261363730633d20202020202 02020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202 02020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202 020202020202020202020' where logonid='wcsadmin'; update userreg set salt = 'hsdbacehyoyn' where logonid='wcsadmin'; update userreg set status = 1 where logonid='wcsadmin'; update userreg set passwordexpired = 0 where logonid='wcsadmin'; Oracle : update userreg set logonpassword = '74434f61354f51593862415655304d52 68424e54723865685653356151374a2b353163506c4261363730633d202020202020 20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020 20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020 20202020202020202020' where logonid=...

How to disable the access control policy

How to disable the access control policy: 1. Open wc-server.xml which is located in WCDE_ENT70\workspace\WC\xml\config\wc-server.xml 2. Search for "<Instance" tag 3. Add AccessControlUnitTest="true immediately after "<Instance " 4. Save the file 5. Restart the server After implementing this steps the server will not throw  "User does not have authority to execute Command/View" How to disable access control check in Commands: If you want to disable access control policy for a controller command then call setAccCheck(false) before calling execute. This method is set by the web controller to indicate whether an access control check is required for this command. For e.g OrderCreateCmd orderCreateCmd= (OrderCreateCmd ) CommandFactory.createCommand(OrderCreateCmd .NAME,   getStoreId())     orderCreateCmd.setAccCheck(false); orderCreateCmd.execute(); accessControlCheck(): This method performs a command level access control chec...

Enable and disable the optimized large shopping cart order commands

How to Enable and disable the optimized large shopping cart order commands This will help you to improve the of large shopping carts, you can optimize for the following commands    commands  OrderItemAdd, OrderItemUpdate,OrderItemDisplay, and OrderCalculate commands . Procedure To enable the  optimized code path 1. Edit the WebSphere Commerce configuration file (wc-server.xml). 2.  Add the following element in the <InstanceProperties> element: 3.  <OrderCommandOptimization"true"/> 4.  Propagate the changes to the Web Sphere Commerce configuration file (wc-server.xml). 5.  Restart the WebSphere Commerce instance. To disable the optimized code path                    1. Edit the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.                     ...

Create Page layout in WCS 7.0

Page layouts are arguably  one  of the best features to be introduced into WebSphere Commerce. They allow the marketing staff to quickly change or schedule the layout for page types or the entire site with a few basic steps. What has to be done today is a developer has to create the page layout first – which will not be the case in a future release (more to come on that later). So what are the steps and skills needed to create a new template? The good news is the code is extremely well structured and easy to follow. If this is all new to you, you should check out  this PDF  to learn about layouts and widgets. The Aurora store provides modular UI widgets that can be plugged into store pages. These UI widgets are independent, self-contained entities ( IEA ). A page layout is a store page created for a particular layout type such as a category page, product page, or home page. A page layout has widgets associated with it and each widget has a set of configura...