By using setdbtype, we can switch the development database, To switch we have to follow the below steps Stop the WebSphere Commerce Test Server. Stop the WebSphere Commerce development database. Run the below command based on the database DB2: setdbtype db2 DB2_HOME dbName dbAdminID dbAdminPassword dbUserIDdbUserPassword [dbHost dbServerPort dbNode] [createdb] Oracle : setdbtype oracle ORACLE_HOME dbName dbAdminID dbAdminPassword dbUserIDdbUserPassword [dbHost dbServerPort] [createdb] Derby/Cloudscape: setdbtype cloudscape [createdb] Where: DB2_HOME The root directory of DB2. For example, C:\IBM\SQLLIB ORACLE_HOME The root directory of the Oracle DBMS. For example, C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\client_1 dbName The name of the database. For example, mall. dbAdminID The database administrator's ID. For example, db2admin or oracle. dbAdminPassword The associated password for dbAdminID dbUserID The database user ID that connects to the database. ...