Enabling WC Search
for Extended Sites for Developer Environment (Derby Database):
Step 1: Ensure that the site is configured to support the
Management Center marketing features
Follow the steps out-lined in the below link-
Step 2: Install Feature Pack 2 or higher
Step 3: Enable Starter Stores Enhancements
Important Note: If you are enabling starter store
enhancements in the WebSphere Commerce development environment, the default
configuration includes a Derby database with all base, non feature pack,
starter stores, including the Madisons starter store, prepublished. If you
require a feature pack version of a starter store, publish the feature pack
version using a different store name. You can create a new database without the
pre-published stores or restore to a clean bootstrap Derby database then
publish the feature pack version of the starter store. Also when configuring
the WebSphere Commerce development environment you can select to a new
bootstrap Derby database without the prepublished starter stores.
1. Run the
enablement script. Running the starter store enhancements enablement
script also enables the Management Center feature. That is, if the
Management Center feature is currently disabled, it is enabled after running
the starter store enhancements enablement script.
enableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=store-enhancements
2. If
the script runs successfully, the message enableFeature.bat completed is
displayed in the command window. For enablement details, see the WCDE_installdir\logs\enableFeature.log file.
3. Republish
the application
Step 4: Publish the Madisons enhancements store archive
1. Open the
Administration Console, selecting the Site option.
2. From
the Store Archives menu, select Publish. The Store Archives page
displays listing the store archives available for publish. By default, the page
displaying composite store archives displays.
Before publishing the MadisonsEnhancements.sar , make sure to publish the Madions-FEP.sar . TheMadisonsEnhancements.sar. does not work properly with the Madisons.sar file and publish the same without prior publishing the version FEP will cause OOM since the Apache SOLR engine starts indexing for all languages.
Before publishing the MadisonsEnhancements.sar , make sure to publish the Madions-FEP.sar . TheMadisonsEnhancements.sar. does not work properly with the Madisons.sar file and publish the same without prior publishing the version FEP will cause OOM since the Apache SOLR engine starts indexing for all languages.
3. From
the View list, select Add On Feature.
4. Select MadisonsEnhancements.sar.
5. Click Next.
6. Select
the Madisons-based starter store onto which you want to publish the Madisons
enhancements store archive. The Publish wizard must publish the Madisons
enhancements store archive on top of the Madisons starter store; no other
starter stores are supported. There are three stores:
Marketing store
Catalog store
Customer facing store
If you are using a single store setup then choose the same
store for all three.
If you are using an Extended sites model, choose the
appropriate stores that you are using.
7. Click Next.
The Summary page displays, listing the store archive and parameters selected,
and the location to which the store archive is published.
8. After
reviewing the summary information, click Finish. A confirmation dialog
displays, telling you the number of the publishing job. Note the job number for
future reference.
9. To
check the publishing status, click Refresh.
10. When
the Publish Status column displays Successful, select the
corresponding job number; then click Details.
11. To
launch the published store in a browser, click Launch Store.
12. When
you have finished viewing the store, bookmark the site, and close the browser.
13. Restart the WebSphere Commerce Server.
Step 5: Enable the search-based navigation store
Step 6: Ensure that your search server and index structure
is deployed and built.
1. Deploying
the WebSphere Commerce search server locally (standard deployment mode)
The deployment option
for the Developer is “Embedded”.
a. Ensure
that the test server is stopped and that Rational Application Developer is not
b. Open
command prompt and navigate to the following directory - WCDE_installdir\bin
c. Execute
the below command and ensure it runs successfully –
d. Test
your search deployment by navigating to the following URL –
e. If
successful, you should receive a response resembling the following snippet:
<int name="status">0</int>
name="response" numFound="0" start="0"/>
2. Set
up the WebSphere Commerce search index structure for a specific master catalog
a. Ensure
that the test server is stopped.
b. Find
out the cataloged for the Master Catalog. The same sample queries are provided
below for the extended sites. Please note value returned in each step is used
in the next query.
storeent_id from storeent where IDENTIFIER='MyStoreRetail';--11101
relatedstore_id from storerel where store_id=11101 and streltyp_id=-4 and
relatedstore_id not in (11101); --11001
select catalog_id
from storecat where storeent_id=11001 and mastercatalog='1'; --10351
c. Navigate
to the path - WCDE_installdir\components\foundation\subcomponents\search\bin
d. Execute
the following command –
setupSearchIndex.bat -masterCatalogId 10351 -dbname "WCDE_installdir\db\mall"
e. Ensure
that the utility runs successfully.
Consult the following table for the utility results:
Search index setup successfully completed without errors.
The utility ran successfully.
Search index setup successfully completed with warnings.
Check the log file for more information.
The utility ran successfully but with warnings. Some
warnings might be generated during the setup index process, however, they
might not be important such as the utility skipping existing cores that have
already been previously created.
Search index setup successfully completed with errors.
Check the log file for more information.
The utility ran successfully but with errors. The job has
not completely finished setup, and the log files should be checked to see
where the problem occurred.
Search index setup not successful. An unrecoverable error
has occurred. Check the log file for more information.
The utility did not run successfully. The log files should
be checked to see where the problem occurred.
You can find the log file in the
following location:
f. Restart
the WebSphere Commerce search server.
3. Preprocess
the WebSphere Commerce search index data
You can preprocess the search index data to prepare your
WebSphere Commerce data for indexing. The preprocess utility extracts and
flattens WebSphere Commerce data and then outputs the data into a set of
temporary tables inside the WebSphere Commerce database. The data in the
temporary tables is from the base schema and is then used by the index building
utility to populate the data into Solr indexes using Solr's Data Import Handler
a. Ensure
that the test server is stopped.
b. Navigate
to the path WCDE_installdir\bin
c. Run
the preprocessing utility:
di-preprocess.bat "WCDE_installdir\search\pre-processConfig\MC_10351\Cloudscape"
-localename en_US
d. Ensure
that the utility runs successfully.
e. Verify that
the output from the script contains no errors and that the last part of the
output contains the following lines:
exiting with exit code: 0.Data import pre-processing completed successfully
with no errors."
Also, inspect the
following file for errors: WCDE_installdir\logs\wc-dataimport-preprocess.log
4. Build
the WebSphere Commerce search index
You can build the WebSphere Commerce search index using the
index building utility. It is a wrapping utility that updates the information
in the Master Index using the Data Import Handler (DIH) service to build the
index, either partially through delta index updates or completely through full
index builds. When there are multiple indexes, for example, each language using
its own separate index, the index is built multiple times.
a. Ensure
that the test server is started in Rational Application Developer
b. Restart
the WebSphere Commerce search server after preprocessing is complete, and
ensure you can visit Solr over HTTP, for example:
c. Run
the following command –
di-buildindex.bat -masterCatalogId 10351
-localename en_US -basePath
-storeId 11051
where, 11051 is
the storied of the StoreAssetStore since I did not have store specific content.
d. Ensure
that the utility runs successfully. If the utility runs
successfully, you will receive the following message in the Command window:
Data import
process completed successfully with no errors.
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