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Webpshere Commerce Registry

Registry is an another solution for those which can’t be cached using Dyna cache. Another use would be to store configuration data for a store. By using registry, you don't need a server restart every time as organization admin console provides an interface to refresh registry. The new custom registries will be appearing in the admin console under the registry section.

Steps to create a new custom registry in WCS
Step 1. Register the registry in wc-server.xml.

name="TestRegistry" regClassName="com.wcs.registry.TestRegistry "/> 
Step 2.Create  a class that implements   interface
package com.wcs.registry;
import java.util.HashMap;
public  class TestRegistry  implements Registry {
private HashMap sampleRegistry ;
/** * @return Returns the hashSampleRegistry. */
 public Hashtable getSampleRegistry() 
 return sampleRegistry ;
 * This method initializes the registry. It is being called when server starts. 
public void initialize() throws Exception {
RegistryManager.singleton().addRegistry("TestRegistry  ", this);
try {
} catch (ECException e) {
*This method is used to refresh the registry. It is being called when user updates the registry through Site Admin console. 
public void refresh() throws Exception {
try {
//Write the business  logic to fetch  data  and put it  in a variable
RoleAccessBean rab = new RoleAccessBean();
rab = rab.findByName("Site Administrator");
sampleRegistry .put(rab.getRoleId(), rab.getName());
} catch (ECException e) {
* This methods refreshes the registry with initial data.
private void initialRegistry() throws Exception {
 //Write the business  logic to fetch initial  data  and put it  in a variable
Step3: Create the  Data bean which will be used for reading registry values.
package com.wcs.registry;
public class TestRegistryBean extends SmartDataBeanImpl     implements     SmartDataBean
private HashMap registry;  
public void populate() throws {   
TestRegistry   testRegistry  ;  
testRegistry   =( TestRegistry  )(RegistryManager.singleton().getRegistry("TestRegistry"));
//Set  the Registry
setRegistry(testRegistry .getSampleRegistry()); 
public Hashtable getRegistry() 
return registry;
public void setRegistry(HashMap mapRegistry) {
this.registry = mapRegistry; 

Step4: Print the registry values  in Jsp using the data bean
<jsp:useBean id="testRegistryBean" class=" com.test.registry. TestRegistryBean" scope="page"> <,request); %>
<c:forEach var="registry" items="${testRegistryBean.registry}">  
c:out value="${registry.value}"/>
< /c:forEach>


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