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Understanding the WCS Calculation framework at a high level

The idea of calculation framework starts off with understanding of two main concepts: Calusage and Calmethod.

Sales Tax
Shipping Tax
Shipping Adjustment
Installment Adjustment
List of Task

General flow of calculation methods
The general flow of calculation methods, when they are used as part of the order process, is as follows:
1.    InitializeCalculationUsage
2.    ApplyCalculationUsage calls:
a.    CalculationCodeCombine calls:
                                      i.        CalculationCodeQualify
b.    CalculationCodeCalculate calls:
                                      i.        CalculationRuleCombine calls:
                                                      i.        CalculationRuleQualify
                                                     ii.        CalculationRuleCalculate calls:
                                                                      i.        CalculationScaleLookup
                                                                     ii.        CalculationRange
c.    CalculationCodeApply
3.    SummarizeCalculationUsage
4.    FinalizeCalculationUsage
Code snippet from :
public void performExecute()throws ECException
String strMethod = "performExecute";
ECTrace.entry(68L, super.getClass().getName(), "performExecute");
Group[] groups = callCodeCombine(this.iItems);
if (groups != null)
for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; ++i)
Group group = groups[i];
if (!(group.isCalculated()))
if (!(group.isEmpty()))
ECTrace.exit(68L, super.getClass().getName(), "performExecute");
callCodeCombine methods invoke the which internally checks for Calculation code qualify:
items = (isRestricted(abCode)) ? callCodeQualify(abCode, items) : items;
How calculation usages work
WebSphere Commerce performs all calculations for one calculation usage at a time. The order of calculation usages is stored in the SEQUENCE column of the STENCALUSG database table. The entries in this table are initially populated with information from the language-independent bootstrap file: wcs.bootstrap.xml.
Calculation usages as defined in wcs.bootstrap.xml, are processed in the following order by default:
1.    Coupon
2.    Discount
3.    Shipping
4.    Sales tax
5.    Shipping tax
6.    Surcharge
7.    Shipping adjustment
Calculation usages are invoked by the OrderPrepare command. This command creates a list of OrderItems for which monetary amounts will be calculated. The applicable calculation usages for the store or store group to which the order belongs are processed according to the sequence that you define for them in the STENCALUSG database table.
The OrderPrepare command processes the calculation usages according to the following sequence:
1.    All calculation usages are initialized using the InitializeCalculationUsage calculation methods referenced in the CALMETHOD_ID_INI column of the STENCALUSG database table.
2.    All calculation usages are applied using the ApplyCalculationUsage calculation methods referenced in the CALMETHOD_ID_APP column of the STENCALUSG database table.
3.    All calculation usages are summarized using the SummarizeCalculationUsage calculation methods referenced in the CALMETHOD_ID_SUM column of the STENCALUSG database table.
4.    After the OrderPrepare controller command completes, the OrderProcess controller command is called. The OrderProcess controller command finalizes all calculation usages by calling the FinalizeCalculationUsage calculation methods referenced in the CALMETHOD_ID_FIN column of the STENCALUSG database table entry for each calculation usage.
The CALMETHOD_ID_XXX will refer to the Task (Command) in the CALMETHOD table which will be used to perform the necessary logic processing. Refer the attached snapshot of a database extract for a particular CALUSAGE(this extract is a sub-set of all CALMETHODS listing only the calculation methods for Discount calculation [CALUSAGE_ID = -1]) from the CALMETHOD table showing the various commands representing each of the tasks.
How calculation usages are applied
When a calculation usage is applied, the following steps occur:
1.    The ApplyCalculationUsage calculation method calls a CalculationCodeCombine calculation method. The CalculationCodeCombine calculation method returns a list. Each item in the list consists of a calculation code and the OrderItems in the order to which the calculation code applies.
2.    The ApplyCalculationUsage calculation method calls a CalculationCodeCalculate calculation method for each item in the list that is returned by CalculationCodeCombine. CalculationCodeCalculate returns a list. Each item in the list consists of each OrderItem and the monetary amount associated with the OrderItem for the calculation usage. For tax calculation methods, there might be multiple monetary amounts for different taxes that apply to the OrderItem. In this case, the tax categories are returned as part of the list as well.
3.    The ApplyCalculationUsage calculation method calls a CalculationCodeApply calculation method for each group of OrderItems
Calculation codes indicate the calculations that must be performed
Items for sale in a retail store often have attached price tags indicating information other than the price of the item. For example, if the item is on sale, the price tag indicates the percentage discount to apply to the price. Similarly, WebSphere Commerce attaches calculation codes to order items to indicate the calculations to be performed.
In the same way price tags are attached to the items for sale in a retail store, calculation codes are considered to be attached to order items.
If the calculation code is directly attached to the order/orderitem the attachment is said to be a direct one. Example: when we set up an order level it creates an entry in the CALCODE table. This can be a direct attachment and if found qualified by CalculationCodeQualify on attaching with an order will make a corresponding entry in the ORDCALCD and ORDICALCD tables.
[use the following sql to check:
select * from clcdpromo where px_promotion_id in
  (select px_promotion_id from px_promotion where px_group_id in
    (select px_group_id from px_group where grpname='OrderLevelPromotion'));
If the calculation code gets attached to an orderitem on being virtue of its attachment to the corresponding catalog entry or catalog group, it will be considered as an indirect attachment. Example: ProductLevelPromotion and CategoryLevelPromotion will make corresponding entries in the CATENCALCD and CATGPCALCD tables respectively and will get attached to the orderitem at the time of purchase. This is an indirect calcode-orderitem attachment.
[use the following sql to check:
select * from clcdpromo where px_promotion_id in
  (select px_promotion_id from px_promotion where px_group_id in
(select px_group_id from px_group where grpname in (‘ProductLevelPromotion’,'CategoryLevelPromotion')));
Same logic applies when we configure Sales Tax/ Shipping charge. The store can have a default Calculation Code at the store level. This will be captured in the STENCALUSGE table and will be applied automatically for all qualifying purchases in the store.
Tables related to Calculation Code:
Calculation rules
Separating the calculation rule from the calculation code offers more flexibility and easier customization than having the calculation code perform calculations directly. By separating calculation rules from calculation codes, you can have many calculation rules for one calculation code.
For example, if you have a store that ships products to a number of jurisdictions in which you must collect sales tax and there are various sales taxes in each jurisdiction, you would complete the following steps:
1.    Create a sales tax calculation code and associate it with the catalog entries for products that must be taxed.
2.    For each jurisdiction in which you must collect sales taxes, create one calculation rule to calculate each sales tax for the jurisdiction. Each calculation rule must be associated with the following attributes:
o    A tax category
o    A tax jurisdiction.
o    The sales tax calculation code
The sales tax calculation code calculates amounts for all tax categories, by having several calculation rules, one for each category. A calculation rule calculates an amount for a particular tax category.
If you want your store to ship products into a new jurisdiction in which you must collect sales taxes, you do not have to create a new calculation code and attach it to the order item. You can create new calculation rules and associate them with the appropriate tax categories, the new tax jurisdiction, and the existing calculation code
There are 3 Calculation methods that can work on the Calculation Rules:
·         CalculationRuleQualify
·         CalculationRuleCalculate
·         CalculationRuleCombine
The following commands implement the CalculationRuleQualifyCmd interface and are provided with WebSphere Commerce:
·         DiscountCalculationRuleQualifyCmdImpl
·         ShippingCalculationRuleQualifyCmdImpl
·         TaxCalculationRuleQualifyCmdImpl
The CalculationRuleCombine calculation method calls the CalculationRuleCalculate method to calculate the result of a particular calculation rule. For a calculation rule and a list of order items, this command returns a monetary amount for each item. The currency of the calculated monetary amount is the order currency.
The CalculationRuleCalculateCmdImpl command, which is provided with WebSphere Commerce, implements the CalculationRuleCalculateCmd interface.
The CalculationRuleCombine method returns a list that includes the following items:
·         A calculation rule
·         A list of OrderItems to which the calculation rule applies
·         A list of monetary amounts corresponding to each item
The CalculationRuleCombineCmdImpl command, provided with WebSphere Commerce, implements the CalculationRuleCombineCmd interface.
The CalculationRuleQualify calculation method checks if a calculation rule applies to list of order items and returns a list of elements. Each element is a group of order items that should be processed together by the calculation rule. CalculationRuleQualify calculation methods are only called if the qualification flag attribute of the calculation rule is set to 1.
How calculation rules are used
The default CalculationCodeCalculate calculation method implementation uses calculation rules to calculate monetary amounts for each item to which it applies. The default CalculationCodeCalculate implementation calls the CalculationRuleCombine calculation method and passes it the list of applicable OrderItems. The default implementation of CalculationRuleCombine performs the following steps:
1.    Determines the list of calculation rules that are effective for the calculation code by checking the CALRULE.FLAGS attribute and calling a CalculationRuleQualify calculation method if the flag is set.
2.    For each effective calculation rule, performs the calculation that is defined by the rule for each order item to which the rule applies. If the calculation to be performed is based on finding a value in a scale, calculation scales are used to obtain the monetary amount.
3.    When all rules have been calculated for all items, combines the results of the calculation for each item. The combination attribute of the calculation rule controls how the results are combined.
4.    The CalculationRuleCombine calculation method returns a list of calculation rules that were applied, the order items to which they were applied, and the resulting monetary amount for each order item. This list is returned to the calling CalculationCodeCalculate calculation method.
Tables related to Calculation Rule:
Calculation scales and calculation ranges
Many calculations in WebSphere Commerce involve looking up a value from a table. For example, a store has shipping charges based on the number of items shipped in an order.
The table of shipping charges looks like this:
Number of items in order
Shipping charge (local currency)
< 5
5 - 10
11 - 15
> 15
To calculate the shipping charge, a clerk counts the number of items in the order and uses the total number of items to find the shipping charge in the table.
WebSphere Commerce provides a similar function as part of the calculation framework, in the form of calculation scales. Think of calculation scales as two-column tables, where the values in the first column are compared with a known value to find a row in the table. The value in the second column is then applied to a calculation associated with the original known value.
The process of finding the value from the table is called a scale look-up. The calculation scale consists of a list of calculation ranges and associated look-up results. The known value that is compared to the calculation ranges is called a look-up number. For example, when calculating shipping charges for an order that contains eight items, the look-up number is 8, the calculation range that the look-up number matches is 5 - 10, and the look-up result is 10.00.
A calculation scale can be used to calculate monetary amounts, one for each order item in a list. The default implementation of the CalculationRuleCalculate calculation method uses calculation scales. The amounts that are calculated are determined by the calculation ranges and range values of the calculation scale, and by the calculation methods they use. Calculation scales are associated with either a MonetaryCalculationScaleLookup or a QuantityCalculationScaleLookup calculation method. Calculation ranges are associated with a CalculationRange calculation method.
Three subclasses of calculation methods are associated with calculation scales:
·         MonetaryCalculationScaleLookup
·         QuantityCalculationScaleLookup
·         CalculationRange
A QuantityCalculationScaleLookup applies to quantity calculation scales, while a MonetaryCalculationScaleLookup applies to monetary calculation scales.
Tables related to Calculation Rule:
·  CALSCALE – This table has the defined calculation scales
·  CALSCALEDS –This table has the description for the calculation scale.
·  CRULESCALE – This table has the mapping between a CALRULE and CALSCALE.
·  CALRANGE – This table has the defined calculation ranges.
·  CALRLOOKUP- This table will have the look-up value corresponding to the range.
Relate with the following examples :


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